Things are not just happening in India, Shiori Ito went public in 2017, with allegations that Noriyuki Yamaguchi, a former Washington bureau chief for the TBS network but also has close ties to the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, had raped her two years earlier.

Shiori Ito
Ms lto was an intern at Reuters when the rape occurred. Yamaguchi invited her to have dinner and discuss a possible job opportunity in 2015.
"Talking about sex or rape is taboo, and we have quite a strong stigma in Japan, so I knew it wouldn't be easy to talk about it. " Ito said in a TV show, "but that was the only way to make some change."
"The outcome was quite brutal, and I couldn't go back to my apartment for three months. I received some death threats and quite negative comments." She added.
A 2019 study by the Reuters Institute found that the proportion of women in top editorial positions varied significantly across a sample of 10 national markets. At one end of the spectrum, in Japan, none of the outlets surveyed employed a woman as a senior editor; at the other end, in South Africa, nearly half of the senior editors (47%) were women. In any case, most of the top editors in each of the ten markets were men.
Irrespective of the sectors in which they are employed, women still earn less money than men in most developed countries around the world. This gender pay gap is measured as the difference between male and female earnings as a percentage of male average earnings. According to the most recent statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the gap was especially pronounced in Korea, where the percentage difference in full-time earnings between men and women was 34.6%, and Japan, where the difference was 24.5%.
In Japan, according to Nikkei, once women have children, the choice of first-line positions is less, which is called the "Mommy track." Once the female journalists give birth, they would be sent to back up positions. If they want to stay in the front line, they will have to remain single.
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